New Yggdrasil, a free market novel in progress TV 17 for Suggestion, nothing explicit though.
Introduction Commentary:
30 year olds, some of us have been Pokemon Trainers for 20 years now, many companies wonder where that goes, the answer is a humorous teenage version of the series.
As Galactic Boss Cyrus, this is a perspective I have, because I'm quite young in form yet have been called advanced in mind.
Please, if you have time, read and comment.
Pokémon Amethyst:
New Yggdrasil, The Legend of Silver, Book 0
Chapter 1:
A Discussion of War
“What’s ‘34’?”
“I’m actually not talking to myself…”
“108 – 74…need a droid? Because I have a
“Now Cyrus is talking to himself…” said
Commander Saturn.
“How old am I...?” said Sonic Saturn.
“…Ha ha ha, I think, Fowler, that Sith Pomona
College didn’t make it…because I’m from another dimension…where it was
destroyed…simply ask Katy Perry…” said Team Galactic Cyrus Winston.
“Yes, I’ll need a droid,” said Commander Saturn.
“Good, because I think I formed a Cyrus Solution
Sphere…now where are the Gourmet McDonalds’ Chinese Noodles? Hold the cheese…ha
ha ha ha ha ha.”
“I’m going to need you, to stop ‘sayin’ that…cat
man, until the Pokémon War is over…” said Professor Rowan.
“Basically, it’s a Gravity Spell, now …Demi,”
said Team Galactic Cyrus.
Chapter 2:
Leadership Skill ‘signature”…read
President Trump Card
“I pulled an Elysium Card,” said Team
Galactic-Ragnarok Leader Cyrus.
“What’s ‘34’ Steven? You’re Age? …Because I’m
Half-Demon, Half-Angel…I don’t think I’m going
to Hell,” .said Team Galactic-Ragnarok Cyrus.
‘”I think they got the TV Show OTG {[(On the
Ground)]},” said Fowler Brawn.
“What’s causing the Storm?” asked Kelly Stewart.
“Cerebra-L,” said Pokémon Team Galactic Cyrus.
“There’s always Tsunade potential,” said Team
Ragnarok Cyrus.
Orochimaru: ‘Gaara’, where the illegal stuff at?
Gaara: What “illegal stuff”?
Orochimaru: You know what I mean…
Gaara: No I don’t, please
“refresh” me.
Orochimaru: The, uhh, r…
Gaara: First of all, I don’t think I got “any” on me.
Orochimaru: ‘Yet’, you can obviously find ‘some’…what’s the problem?
Gaara: Obviously, “Wish-ham” is rape victim Kim Kardashian,
Orochimaru [after being arrested]: Whoa, dats a lot! …Uhh, I want my
Gaara: Yeah, I do have a clean
record, by the way…[FBI Slender-man laughs while translating from Gaara’s
dorm-room’s ceiling.
Gaara: And my old dorm-room was a palace’s chamber, for your comfort,
Orochimaru [in the back of a police car]: I’ve basically been talking
with your Six Path’s Sasuke…Orochimaru-Vampire Sasuke, who didn’t survive the
trip…I think you Gaara, revived him into your Six Paths…
Gaara: I see…though I clearly had a plan.
Orochimaru [from his hotel room after making bail]: I still don’t see
how this is some “Pokémon” stuff.
Gaara-Cyrus: Basically, Shukaku is an exoskeleton-less Mewtwo…just look
through a Mewtwo and you see it…
Orochimaru: What?!
Gaara-Cyrus: That’s two Pokémon in our world, both Colossus: Colossus
Ninetails, which I planned, went back and caught, so no Leaf Village Attack,
and Colossus Mewtwo, who helps me fight crime.
Orochimaru: Ah so…
Chapter 3:
The Pearl Collapses
Before leaving Pokémon Pearl World, Agent Falcon and her father Galactic
Cyrus are drawn into a Dream World Battle…that manifests as real: Both see the
last years of the “Kanto Pokémon War”…they both phase out of that year, with
only thoughts…and a mysterious skill “level up” from the Battlefield Conflict
that went down…
Agent Falcon takes a job as a MaxMara model, and Galactic Cyrus focuses
on his Distant Real World Battle War…discovering that Sabrina simply named a
fashion company after their, Cyrus and Sabrina, after their relationship.
Chapter 4:
Cyrus, the man with the Golden Eye…
Galactic Cyrus devises, after being revived in the year 12,000,000.00
AD, a plan with Lawyer Balthazar, Professor Hojo, and Doctor Robotnik, all
lucid, a plan to go into the distant past…to change the known world, a plan
that Leads to Cyrus, Sir Barron, ruling the Magic World.
What future existed?
Leader Cyrus developed an argument for how, in January 2017, for Barron
Trump to rule the Dual-Existence First World: Magic is inherent to the
Christian perspective, thus it must exist, and it could be an alternative route
of governing…if only a school existed to handle the notion…mutation or magic.
Pokémon Amethyst:
New Yggdrasil: The Legend of Silver, Book 1
written by
Maximillion Pegasus
Yggdrasil, where many on their adventure cross
In our own personal Yggdrasil,
Where there are 11 Realms,
And many still ask...where they are in the Diary
of Jane...
As the Reaper and Hades say "Something is
And Osiris says "I need to get back to
Mount Olympus"...
And Athena says "They don't have to
And a Jedi says "I thought we could escape
As Hades says to him "I just need a blood
test", to the Jedi...
And a Wood Nymph contemplates "Can I
escape?" from a New Yggdrasil with many Pantheons
Many Pantheons that seek a Holy Wood...
...or is it, Great Leviathan, that the Holy Wood
exists no more?
that journey through this Yggdrasil, one fair elf who once had a heart of
True Rune]

1: Start in the Underdark
“I started my journey into the greater
world in the Underdark, surrounded by a people far distant to myself. These
people, these drow, they remarked that they were trying to be good people,
though I observed that something deeper, something within their souls was
keeping them within what they called “The Wicked Ways”. And although I would
eventually escape their grasp, I’m reminded of the story of a purple-eyed elf,
mine own green, a story of never-ending battle with the Dark.”

1: Underdark
Silver was a fair elf; blond, with green eyes, and he lived in a place
called the Steel Kingdom -- in its forest. One day however, Silver woke up in
the Underdark, an underground city where a race of dark elves lived...Silver
woke up in the body of a drow elf. His nightmare would soon begin.
Upon waking up in his “new bedroom”, Silver the Elf pondered about the
different architecture, the desk with spell capsules atop it, and the expansive
magic notations across the walls. Then Silver heard someone call out to him:
“Shyrun! Breakfast is done!”
“Shyrun! Breakfast is done!”
Worried, perplexed, Silver grabbed a cloak from the wardrobe across from
the door and pulled it over his midnight blue tunic, collected the spell
capsules into a backpack, and then jumped out of the two-story bedroom window.
Landing, Silver encountered, walking along, three drow schoolgirls
wearing pious schoolgirl uniforms, they remarked:
“...Shyrun, did you just jump out of your window?!”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with you buddy?!”
Silver then, not being ‘Shyrun’, sensed danger, just as a flock of
Mukrow appeared at a dark-light lamp-post at the corner. Silver contemplated
and summoned an ice spell that froze the three drow girls in place, then he ran
to the southern corner from the house, climbed the dark-light lamp-post to the
top, then flew away - choosing to fly toward what looked like the city’s core
Along an alley, where an old dark elf sat, the old drow remarked “I
didn’t know drow could fly.”
Walking down the alley, a snow-white drow elf remarked, “I didn’t know
that either.”
2: Ocellvier
Silver, a drow elf with green eyes, traversed the Downtown district of
an Underdark City called “Bhujerba”.
He walked down a mainway where he passed a Grimoire shop, across from it
a shop that sold robes, clothing, and cloaks, and a shop next to that a shop
that sold sphere crystals. Beyond that street, there was a roundabout that was
all lit up. Across from the street with the shops, there seemed to be a very
stately manor with statues of the deity “Justice”, a robbed, blindfolded woman
holding a set of scales and a shield, and kneeling before her Justice’s
servants “The Law” and “The Judge”.
Silver walked through traffic and arrived at the gated entrance to the
manor, a posted message engraved into steel, posted upon the gate’s bars:
“We seek our way out of the darkness
Guided by purple eyes.
Our goal no longer a lofty premise,
Out of The Wicked Ways
and into the Fair
May Ramuh guide us.”
Silver read through it twice and
then turned his head at the notice of what sounded like metal armor moving
Approaching across the walkway were
two armored drow, asking pedestrians if they could ID an elf sketched on a
Silver could sense danger, and calmly walked around the town hall down
another walkway. Silver found his way blocked by quite a magickal sight: a wall
of white feathers, and contemplated what to do.
Across the wall was the snow-white drow, who waved to Silver and said:
“I think those guards are after you...please follow me.”
Silver nodded yes, and the wall of feathers dropped, and the snow-white
drow guided him across the walkway, and down the street, eventually standing
before a shop with a door with no doorknob.
The snow-white elf removed a wand from his pocket, and pointed it at the
door, a silent word spoken led to the door opening inward, and himself and
Silver entering, the door closing afterward.
3: Shyrun
Silver looked around the shop and
noticed an elaborate cozy space where bookshelves held fantastic instruments,
cases with unique symbols upon them, and lastly books.
“This, my Arcane Works shop, is
where we will hide until the city guard are no longer searching for you.”
The snow-white drow elf grabbed a
box from a shelf and sat down next to a table.
“Please, sit...I noticed what the
guard noticed, that you could fly.”
Silver responded, “Yes, it’s
something fair elf are capable of .”
“Ah, I see, my name is Ocellvier,
and pardon me, though I noticed you appear to be ‘Shyrun’.”
Silver became on alert.
“Yet please, I am not after you, and
I suspect that you are truly not my wizard friend from the southern district.”
“So, this device can ID who you are,
and knowing that, the town’s guard may indeed lower their sword.”
Ocellvier opened the box to reveal
an amethyst sphere mounted into a machine with a keyboard, onto which he typed
several commands, and, moments later, an image of a fair elf appeared, playing
a game of Frisbee. Moments more later, a standard with the name “Silver”
appeared, then the words “Silver, Fair Elf, Swordsman Extraordinaire.”
“Ah, Silver is your name...Well,
nice to meet you, Silver.”
Silver responded, “Well yes, nice to
meet you too.”
two sat there for a moment, observing the magickal screen, until Ocellvier
broke the silence and said “However did you get here?”
Silver remarked, “I just woke up
here...I remember going to sleep in the Steel Forrest, and then…”
“Aha, give me a moment…”, Ocellvier
After typing a short series of
commands into the keyboard, Ocellvier’s magictek displayed a new scene:
Silver laid down in bed, and then
Shyrun appeared standing over him, holding a sphere of lapis lazuli.
Then the display faded to black, followed then by what appeared to be
Silver, wearing a white cloak and meeting with a human in a suit and blue
“Matrumorphen!”, exclaimed Ocellvier
“Who?” asked Silver.
Ocellvier pressed a button and the
scene froze.
“His name is Matrumorphen, and his
is a human wizard of great renown...for practicing the Dark Arts.”
“Could this be…?”
“Could you be here because of a Dark
Art Spell? ...I think so.”
“Then how do I -- ?”
“How do you get your body
back?...Hmm...give me a moment.”
Ocellvier typed once more into the
box’s keyboard, and then revealed:
Appearing on the sphere was then a
diagram showing two bodies linked by a series of energetic lines: “Ah, to stop
a Dark Art Spell of Body Exchange, use a dagger of Amethyst and sever the soul
from the body, by piercing your original body’s heart.”
“...that’s basically it,” concluded
“I could never do that...I could
never do that…” said Silver somberly.
4: Ninetails
Silver walked down a pier, staring
into the Underdark’s massive underground sea, the light of nearby dark-light
torches shining across the water like diamonds in black sand.
“I see where your mind goes, and I
believe I have the solution,” remarked Ocellvier.
“The Ring of Revelation...a precious
treasure in the Colossus Valley, guarded by the Ninetails, the ring will reveal
who a person truly is.”
“And if I find this ring, I’ll then
be myself? asked Silver.
“In theory,” concluded Ocellvier
while scratching his chin.
“So...what’s a Ninetails?” inquired
“A colossus beast, Ninetails is a
fiery challenge. I devised that a Ruby Crystal Sealing device has a chance of
capturing the beast...if you only knew the magick commands for Shyrun’s
body..,though I believe that your flying and sword skills will be enough to
tire the beast.”
“Ah,” remarked Silver, “then let my
journey continue.”
Silver followed Ocellvier back to
his shop, where Ocellvier unveiled a scroll with the map to the Colossus
Valley, and summoned a small package composed of a small charcoal cloth wrapped
around an object.
“This is the path to the Ninetails,
and this --” revealing a small package, “is the Capture Crystal.”
“How do I use a Capture Crystal ?” asked Silver.
simply tire the beast out with battle, then take out the crystal and make
contact -- the Ninetails will be drawn into the crystal.”
“And you say I can challenge the
“Yes, it should be no problem.
Tamers handle the beasts quite often with sword and shield…”
“...okay, not a problem,” remarked
“Then, please, grab that broadsword,
an executioner sword, in the corner and
make your way to the valley…”
“Will do.”
Silver carried with him, cloaked, a
broadsword and in his pocket the Capture Crystal. Silver trekked through a
forest, across bridges, over rivers, and eventually stood before Colossus
There, lying asleep, was a Colossus
Beast, a Ninetails: much akin to a fox, that had ‘nine’ tails, and red glowing
eyes it used to take control of its enemies. The elf approached the colossus
and aimed a frost spell at it, nudging it awake. Silver raised his broadsword
and blocked a tail swipe from the fox, then jumped into the air and flew above
the beast, landing on its head.
As the Ninetails attempted to shake off the elf, Silver landed a heavy
blow to its cranium, causing the beast to fall and collapse.
Upon landing upon the ground, Silver was quick to remove the Capture
Crystal from his pocket, then rushed forward and began the sealing process:
The Ninetails was absorbed with several purple beams of light,
remarkably capturing within a small space the great size and power of the
The valley then appeared to sparkle in a silvery light, and a stone
pathway rose from the ground, leading to a stone cathedral where the
Underdark’s ceiling had a measure of light falling through above it.
Planting his executioner sword into the ground, Silver walked down the
pathway to the cathedral and walked through its doors. Waiting at the center of
the small castle was a pedestal upon which a treasure chest awaited.
Having walked up to the pedestal, Silver opened the box and saw a
collection of many versions of the same ring, and marveled for a moment until
taking one into his hands, then placing the ring on his right ring finger:
As the ring slid onto his finger, Silver felt a wave of cleansing energy
cover his body, then once completely worn, the ring did indeed reveal his fair
features: Silver was back to being his old self.
...Ocellvier, watching from Bhujerba via his magictek computer, cheered
And that is how Silver found closure in his adventures in The
Underdark,.. for the moment.
1 End]
2: Exit into the Forest
1: Out of the Dark
wearing a cloak to disguise himself, returns to Ocellvier’s shop where
Ocellvier congratulates him on a successful mission.
then asked if Ocellvier knew of a way to reach the surface world, to which
Ocellvier walked to a bookcase and removed a scroll map, handing it over to
Ocellvier also grabbed another Capture Crystal, revealing that it held a “Charizard”, a kind of flying dragon which could breath fire, and had a fire alit on its tail - Ocellvier instructing Silver that he would both be safer in his travels with the Pokémon, and that he could fly out of The Underdark atop the mount.
was interesting meeting you, and I wonder, would you mind, for Alchemy, giving
me a lock of your hair? I hope to study your bloodline, I may discover how to
fly myself…” said Ocellvier.
responded, “Not a problem,” taking a dagger from his tunic pocket and clipping
a small amount of his hair.
is fun, though if you get there, beware of gravity wells, you could, for
instance, fall out of the sky - these are usually traps,” specified Silver.
see…” remarked Ocellvier.
walked through the Underdark and eventually reached a bridge with a river
running underneath it. Across the bridge there appeared to be a fissure in the
ceiling of the Underdark, and then, walking across the bridge, Silver then
removed the Capture Crystal of Charizard, and summoned the Pokémon, pressing an
emphasis along the crystal:
a grand display of light, a dragon appeared in the air, which landed and roared
fire, and spread its wings.
ya doing?” asked Silver.
Charizard looked around and then focused its vision on Silver.
for a little flying?” asked Silver.
Charizard roared in the affirmative, then hunched over so that Silver could
mount him.
the two then flew into the air and swooping up and down, the Charizard and
rider flew out of the underground cavern.
2: Fisherman’s Horizon
and Charizard flew through an expansive fissure in the Underdark ceiling, where
the drow would fly inward and outward from the country-sized cavern.
the surface, in a small forest, Silver encountered a plainly dressed cowboy,
fishing in a small river.
at a distance, asked “What do you know of this area?”
cowboy turns around from his view of the small river and quotes: “Well, due
East is the entrance to a forest, some call it, The Forest of Death...beyond
that is a Desert University – Christ Claremont.”
said Silver.
mountain a ways back points North,” pointing over to where Silver has
journeyed, “this river points some kind of elf?” remarked the
elf, from the Steel Forest, yes,” said Silver, “And you are?”
Irvine, Irvine Kinneas,” clarified Irvine.
see,” said Silver.
from his left, Silver could sense an incoming arrow, and ducked to avoid it.
Irvine pulled out a shotgun that was tucked behind his back.
were what looked like ‘savages’ carrying a bow and arrows each.
looks toward Irvine and he nodded his head, agreeing that the two should team
up to defend themselves:
raised his executioner sword, kicked off the ground into a flying defensive
stance, and flew at the savages, disarming two of them, and twirling and taking
down a third.
at a distance, aimed and shot down one of the savages, and then clipped
another, whom Silver rushed forward and downed with a diagonal cut.
two remaining savages ran away in fear, and Silver and Irvine stood to the side
of those laying on the ground.
in the world is going on?” inquired Irvine.
look like The Lost, look at the rainbow feathers in their hair,” quipped up a
voice from the trees.
and Irvine leaned on guard, only to see a powder white woman in dark armor
approached from the woods, carrying a matching shield.
been, uhh, hunting them, searching for a certain Materia…” said the armored
Meteor Materia? ...pardon me, I’m Psychic,” remarked Silver.
am I,” said the armored woman.
placed his shotgun back under his belt and said, “Why that Materia?”
dream one day of being a reaper, really at school, they tell all of us this”
said the Psychic,
wondered Silver.
“Yet you see, I’m only half Psychic...they say I’m part ‘plant person,” said the demi-Psychic, “or at least that’s what a sooth-sayer, Leknaat has said.
said Silver to himself…<<The Seeress who I worked for, long ago in a past
you were revived,” chimed in the demi-Psychic, having heard Silver’s thoughts.
some skill...I think I can do that myself…” said Silver.
girl warrior, she looked off into the distance, and said:
you’re 100% Psychic, I can tell that from your chakra,” said the demi-Psychic,
squinting her eyes to see Silver’s aura.
true,” remarked Silver.
in the distance, across from the small river, a woman who appeared to be
tree-like grew out of the ground, and remarked:
on time.”
3: A paramore of the Psychic Heart
across the small river, the tree girl slid back down into the ground and then
resurfaced on the other side of the river, as if by magic.
trio of adventurers were surprised, taking on a defensive stance, though when
the Wood Nymph became fully human, she remarked, in reassuring terms:
sooth-sayer told me you’d be here, gave me a day and time you know
who the Seeress Leknaat is?”
demi-Psychic said “Yes, she advised me about who I was, and you?”
was told about how to find a...well, a...a hero,” said the Wood Nymph.
mean moi?,” chimed in Irvine humorously.
“No, not you, the elf,” said the Wood Nymph.
...why is that?,” asked Silver.
Wood Nymph takes, from a pocket on her armor, a small scroll, reading from it:
Transcended Elf, who walks with a heart of Silver, shall lead the Holy Wood
into the next age”.
see...a prophecy from Leknaat,” said
can you save the Holy Wood?” asked the demi-Psychic.
heard something like this…” remarked Silver.
the King of The Desert, Protector of Idols” remarked the Wood Nymph.
Let’s see this king then,” spoke up the demi-Psychic.
a warning, the demi-Psychic threw her shield at Silver, to which he blocked its
impact with his broadsword, then swirled the sword in a circle, firing off a
blast of Cyrokinetic waves, freezing the demi-Psychic in place.
stepped back in shock.
Wood Nymph laughed at the demi-Psychic’s defeat.
Silver relaxed his stance, wondering why the girl warrior would attack.
is wrong with you,” he whispered, before about facing and walking off towards
the Eastern Woods.
and the Wood Nymph ran after him.
4: The Desert Rangers
Down the path the trio encountered a vast and deep river, which stopped their travels, Silver contemplating where to go next:
I can swim this, what do you think?,” said Irvine.
turned and observed Irvine:
think you would drown.”
nothing to it,” responded Irvine.
walked to the edge of the shore and stretched, then dove into the current,
making it a few yards out, before the waves grabbed hold of him, and he lost
his stance, swept away…
no,” said the Wood Nymph.
told him…” remarked Silver.
do we do now?,” asked the Wood Nymph.
if he had waited, I would have revealed that I can fly…” said Silver.
said the Wood Nymph
don’t I fly us across the river?” he continued.
Tree Nymph nods her head to the side in contemplation, then shakes her head
extended his left hand and the Tree Girl grabbed it, then Silver levitated into
the air, carrying along the Nymph across the expanse of the river.
two land and look ahead: there seems to be a Guild Hall in the nearby distance,
to which the duo walked...
the Grand Forest Guild Hall, Silver and the Wood Nymph parted ways, the Tree
Girl meeting a lumberjack, Silver said goodbye to her.
a news board, Silver saw a list for volunteering to hike through the Redwood
Forest: taking down the notice, it reacts in his hand, turning to sand, which
forms an arrow in the air, which pointed to a table of robed adventurers
sitting at the center of the guild hall,
to which Silver approached.
inquired, waving and saying hello to a Desert Ranger, conveying his interest in
traversing to the other side of the Redwood Forest, a place he’s seen in a
prophecy he’s seen at least twice.
see you’re also a Desert’s your heart,” remarked the Desert Ranger
Group Leader.
asked Silver.
what’s with your eyes?” asked a Desert Ranger Follower, apparently able to see
the red drow glow.
a long story…” said Silver, and then Silver went over the events.
time later, Silver and the Desert Rangers embark upon their journey through the
Redwood Forest, and Silver having a conversation with one of the rangers:
one evening, in front of a campfire:
ha, I have this one dead baby joke…” said the Ranger.
interested!” exclaimed Silver
stepping away from the campfire, recollects that he may have known her from
somewhere, then, listening to her voice:
that drow elf from Shyrun’s house,” Silver said.
so what if I am…” said the drow girl.
name is Aki…” said the ‘second ranking’ ranger.
mine is Sheik...though no matter about that, I think we should continue on
without the drow,” said Sheik to the camp leader, one “Zelda”, who released a
Pokémon named Pikachu from a Capture Crystal.
drow girl backs away from the camp, and is caught by a Thunder Wave from
Zelda’s Pikachu.
drow girl, tied up in rope, was left for the Forest Police to find, a flare
shot into the sky for the patrols to find.
the end of the adventurers’ journey, Silver remarked that he planed to explore
the Desert on the other side of the Forest.
that case, you should be thoroughly surprised, it’s quite the university,”
remarked Sheik.
hope so…” said Silver.
Desert Rangers plus Silver reach the Grand Forest’s exit to behold:
grand desert which had blue sand streets and buildings, a snow-capped mountain
range in the university’s shadow.
of Volume 2]
3: Walk through the Desert
1: University
is the Blue Sands Desert University,” remarked Sheik, “and that is the
University’s Southern Border Security.”
a gate with the name of the college, “Goddess of Nature” college, and the year
it was founded obscured, the Desert Rangers leaders showed their ID, then
explain that Silver and 6 other rangers require to sign up for an ID.
chap,” remarked Zelda, “can live in the desert like us...good thing there’s an
oasis here for, uh ‘casual living’,” she added before laughing and walking off
beyond the gates.
gate guardian examined Silver and the other six travellers, Okaying them to go
whispered to Silver while they walked through the gate: “They got some Krypton Ian guards at these
gates, they say guarding is their maximum potential “Job”.
then wandered around the campus on his own, eventually encountering a fountain
near the “Debate” buildings of the Nature Goddess Campus, wondering about what
kind of “Job” he would seek, when he thought back to his time studying with
“The Flame Alchemist,” wondering if he even walked the same world after the
things he had seen and been through; though after all, he did stand at the
Desert University because of his skills.
behind him, at the entrance to the English Debate building, was Aeon-Fayth
Celebi, wondering about talking to Silver...
was when a frisbee crossed his path, and a group of students, casually dressed,
approached the fountain:
them, one day Silver would know, was Commander Saturn, though his hair blonde
instead of blue; Ted, who was “Jesus”, Elizabeth Cady Stanton II, the
impossibly young daughter of a Christian Freedom Fighter; a dwarf girl; and
other people of legend.
looked Silver’s way, and waved at him, then approached the elf:
how ya doing?”, said Saturn, “I see you joined our group, or at least it was,
your assignment?”
can see my status? Must be my I.D.>> said Silver in thought-speak.
said Saturn.
and his Allied Group then walked back to their dorm, where they talked about
who they were, Silver met “George”, and then they settled into their first Campus
Banquet as a class, meeting their School President, “The Horned Demi-God” and
then spent the evening pondering over their classes.
within the week, signed up for Pokken Tournament class, a kind of karate called
Shotokan, and pursued his interest in Alchemy.
eventually, Silver would change his major to Media Studies via The Veritas
University, and would go on to enter a very special time in history:
being known as Fate of the Greek Pantheon requests that Silver carry out a
mission to find out if there was any “drow elf mocking”.
the being known as Celebi, Silver goes into history and finds that near the
start of the University, there was indeed some kind of drow elf mockery
involved in the school’s current alma mater, though the issue is not pressed by
the Board of Trustees.
2: The Approaching Supernatural War
into an approaching supernatural war, Silver is revealed to be a Fair Elf, and
despite people seeing through the Ring of Revelation, and an attempt to revive
Shyrun, who seems to have died; the attempt was carried out by secret Christian
Priest, who worshiped Persia and Cyrus I, though this priest eventually betrays
Cyrus II, triggering a confusing time for “Jonah”.
Nature Goddess College was confused about what to say about Silver, because
some professors and students saw a Fair Elf, and others could see the red
glowing eyes and drow form. The ruler Peter the Great ordered the guards to say
nothing of this confusion.
at the Desert University, Silver re-encounters the demi-Psychic, Irvine,
altered by nearly drowning, the Wood Nymph, and the lumberjack, who’ve become
campus were avatars, spirits, golems, and vampires…who apparently studied
hidden subjects...though then again, Pokken Tournament Prep may have been Cyrus’
secret subject.
this path was a unique person, The Buddha, who forever lived in his castles:
the Fall of Silver’s final year, his Drow Elf form awoke the power to perform
Arcane to take life with magick...along those lines...
Buddha awoke the ability to Heal life, though the campus guards arrested The
Buddha (Keanu)...and The Buddha stopped caring for life on campus, walking out
of the castle in search of a school that would confirm his magick was real.
Buddha, led by Zeus, left that old world, despondent, and “freed” by a vampire
professor who wanted to “free” The Buddha “religiously” slayed The Buddha, and
was saved by Silver (Cronus), who Healed and Revived “Keanu”, then Fused with
The Buddha, remarking that Hades was after his powers.
walked away as a being known as Magus (a kin of the being Shang Tsung, a kind
of Vampire Sorcerer), and was brought to another dimension known as the “Pocket
Monster Pearl” realm to the collectives.
counsel at the Desert University, “Daren”, revealed he would not help Magus,
which foreshadows a future tragedy involving Gym Leader Jasmine: “Daren Mooko”
would one day attempt to assault Jasmine, as he confessed to the crime, which
several Jedi saw upon looking into the future, and the past from the other
3: The Rise
now the Vampire Sorcerer Magus, Anointed by Zeus, who says Magus is the chosen
ruler of the Land of Earth (Poseidon the Seas, Hades the Underworld, and Zeus
himself the Heavens), travels to a land where Cyrus the 1st was a child, taking
up a life that the knight Squall led, a land that Magus once walked, where he
might find peace of mind after The Buddha’s near death:
The land of Future Mordor, the land of Sunyshore City.
fable tells of how all worlds are connecting, and at what point and where they
years Magus battles attempts of Mordor’s guards to suppress his Psychic powers,
eventually becoming gaining a battle mode known as Manticore, known popularly
as the “Iron Man mode” whose powers involve both Defensive and Offensive
abilities. Though at the same time, Magus is able to Heal others, Magus takes
on the form of a “One-winged Angel”, severing the wing growing over his left
shoulder, though his power of bringing death remains…
later, forgiven by the Angel of Death, Cyrus’ wing grows back, the magus
deciding that death on Earth was not a problem after all...along the way
helping Lightning Farron defeat a corrupt religious leader.
departs Squall Leonhart’s old home after his foster mother Medusa lies about
him being a danger, eventually watching over the Egyptian Malik as he attempts
to walk Future Mordor with his Rare Hunters, eventually encountering “Storm” or
“Aurora Monroe” at a boot camp for mutants, though Magus and Malik’s powers
were Magi techniques, Magus had a combination of The Force and Alchemy which
qualified him to be considered a “mutant” or rather an “Evolved Human”.
the way, Malik and Magus meet “Xehanort”, who called Magus a father figure,
while Xehanort’s True Father, Azazel, blended into the background, watching the
two converse.
parts ways with Malik when captured by Shin-ra upon his display of a Healing
Arcane Spell, Shin-ra, who attacked Magus who then restored his health at a Psychic
Fortress, Psychic Fortress “Iliusio”.
6: Battle in the Dream World
begins to astral travel into battles, something he’s done since staying at
Squall’s home.
after battle, Magus emerges victorious, eventually saving even planets…
Illusio on 2nd Krypton, Future Mordor’s guards attempt to slay Magus, igniting
a response from Team Aqua Leader Archie, who was Cyrus the 1st’s Uncle. Team
Aqua Leader Archie attacks a building with a colossus Tentacruel, as a war in
Pocket Monster World begins.
Magus learns a battle style, the minions at Illusio become his targets…
event is staged by Professor Hojo, a herd of Rhyhorn attack Illusio and are
gunned down by Shin-ra. Magus, locked in the building, cannot escape to save
After the battle, which Shin-ra wins, Magus is evacuated to another planet, “Pokémon World Diamond Core”, sitting in his Stargate chair, Professor Oak worried that Magus might be damaged by the space travel, an act of evil occurs, Magus is mesmerized to drink a high energy smoothie, then Magus becomes a citizen on the planet Coruscant-2, and after meeting Professor Oak, who has infiltrated the medical center in Vermillion City (a place run by Rocket Lt. Surge), Magus converses with “Kal-el”, “Phillip J. Fry”, Huey Freeman”, Kato and Zabuza (picking up Haku’s powers), Magus encounters his son from an Earth princess “Chelsea”, a soldier known as Solid Snake.
the adventure, Magus becomes, from the Hospital Battles, “The Wise,” or Whis...leaves
Vermillion City Medical Fortress for the Psychic Fortress Illusio...where a
grave revelation awaits mankind...
7: Rest in the Sky
manifesting as General Viper, welcomes Whis, in the form of Cyrus 2nd, and
slowly reveals that several servants and residents of Psychic Fortress Illusio
are from an Earth Religion Prophecy called “Chrono Cross” or “The Book of
Chronos of the Holy Bible”.
slowly learns Sacred Arts, eventually taking control of the Psychic Fortress,
the town realizing he is the Shadow Mewtwo “Lynx”, who was once a Blue Haired
Super Saiyan, or another form of Whis.
this was not the end of Cyrus’ journey, for a revelation at the Desert
University awaited mankind, as mankind and their guardians reacted to news that
“Daren” or a lackey of his “Jose Acevedo” had violently attacked a leader from
Johto, both becoming damned in the eyes of St. Castiel.
lot of these volumes’ conversations are interesting, though I would rather you
read the general notions and encounter the conversations in the VR Version I
have without further ado:
Whis’ Journeys Through “Pokémon World”.]
Yggdrasil: The Journey of Silver, Book 2
Volume 1 Pokémon Winston Diamond:
Chapter 1 Legendary Super Saiyan Mewtwo:
Before travelling to the Pokémon Amethyst dimension, as a
youth, Cyrus was known as a Child King and then when grown-up, a Desert King by
his people, travellers from another planet, yet he himself did not know who his
Real Family was…until age 27.
He was tested in battle and won, yet wondered exactly why
the people in his own “culture” said he was there enemy…then he discovered he
was not of their culture, yet was known to be an alien named Broly, whom actual
Greek prophets saw in visions…who was once the Greek Warrior of Legend “Jason”
and that the “Golden Fleece” must have been “Legendary Super-Saiyan Form”…for
at current, Jason’s Super-Saiyan form reveals Mithra, or Lion Human Form,
Super-Saiyan Mithra Level 4, akin to Goku’s Super-Saiyan Divine-Monkey Level 4:
People noticed this form upon seeing Cyrus Jason (later known to be Cyrus
Chronos, his company “CC”).
Chapter 2 Krypton Falls!!!:
When finally gaining strength, Cyrus was contacted by his
family, who revealed he was evacuated from his planet, “Pokémon Pearl World”,
and that it had been destroyed…and that he must undergo a mission to save the
remaining Pokémon Worlds before ‘they’ would be destroyed.
King Cyrus II boarded his airship, Ragnarok Version IV (Version
4), and his crew of an Aryan Princess named Y’anef (Grimoire Metroid) who lived
between realms, though could live in Cyrus’ realm; and another member, now
Human Form, Aeon-Fayth Celebi, who fought for dominance, as the Idol Queen,
contacting Cyrus via an Idol Queen statue, and she lived In-between Realms,
going by the name “Noichi”.
Cyrus and his crew found Pokémon Diamond World, where it’s
people were fighting a war, basically against themselves: the Aryans that Cyrus
met were slaves, constructed to hold the souls of the corrupt…Cyrus found only
comfort in Y’anef (Anti-“Naruto” Tsunade, a Tsunade who chose Cyrus (Gaara) of
the Akatsuki, a world of ninja predicted to betray and attempt to rape
her…protected by Gaara and the Most Noble Akatsuki, Tsunade lived in the
dimension In-between Realms)…though Y’anef agreed that in order to save all
Worlds…a wife from all Worlds must be taken…
Cyrus and Y’anef then agreed, Tsunade leading, agreed his
first mission should be to find a woman Cyrus witnessed as a youth, a woman who
seemed to still be locked in a nightmare: Psychic Gym Leader Sabrina...
Chapter 3 To Saffron City:
On Pokémon Diamond World, Cyrus II-III, Y’anef, and Noichi
travel by airship to Saffron City, landing in a field outside of the city.
Cyrus II-III led the group into town and approached the City
Consulate, requesting a copy of his Kanto Visitor-ID, which displayed his rank
as a 23rd Rank Kanto Region Champion…
Then Cyrus and his crew walk…Celebi-teleport, over to the
Saffron City Psychic Pokémon Gym…
“He had 100 cops on his tail once, you know what he did?”
-Another Cyrus
“108? I think I would go with ‘Cyrus’…ain’t seen him? Aang,
Roku, Neo, Buddha, Cyrus Team Galactic, Flare Lasandre, Rocket Giovanni, Magma
Maxie, …all the team leaders in Pokémon, …Squall…Osiris, does that solve your
paradox? I think Roku returned for seconds…”
Juniper, next to Cyrus in bed laughs, says she can’t figure
out what he means, asks about Tsunade, and then about Professor Oak at ex-X-Men
Academy, where Samuel Oak is dating Cerebra-L…describing Chrono Cross Pokémon
Omg, did Ellen Page pop up at Deidara Hotel?
Center of Hades? Hell? What did Shadowcat attack? Jesus?
Oh no…said Elrond, not “Agent Silver of Cid’s
Security…DeAnna Boss was at Pomona College, said Silver was rehired…”
Sabrina laughs and says she will join Team Ragnarok.
Chapter end.
Chapter 4: John Wick is revived Neo…
Yggdrasil: The Journey of Silver, Book 3
a land of airships and Pokémon Battle!” said Keyciri.
Chapter 1: Fissure!!!!
Cyrus the 3rd has disappeared and an indicator at the Pokémon
League Headquarters says Cyrus the 3rd has disappeared from the
world, not through the atmosphere via an airship, yet from the planet!
A map of the planet exists which displays where every citizen
is, the point at Mount Coronet which displays a red blinking light indicates
that Cyrus has disappeared, leaving a fissure in the fabric of the ley-lines.
Chapter 2: King of Persia
“Pokémon Pearl’s World,” Silver the Elf, The Whis, who is
“Cyrus II”, King of Persia, searches for what has happened to Galactic Cyrus.
Cyrus II watches 2nd Krypton, “Pocket Monster”, from
his airship, Ragnarok IV, navigating through dimensions.
Cyrus II finds, or rather his lieutenant, Lieutenant Y’anef (a
blonde Nordic who wears the same brand of blue jumpsuits as “Samus”) found a
readout of a “Pocket Monster Amethyst,” which reads to have Cyrus II-III and
Cyrus III-IV:
“I see this anomaly growing, if only I could get Cyrus III-IV
back to our world, then I could set things straight on Diamond.”
…”It might be the beginning of something new,” remarked, from
the corner of the piloting cabin, Fayth Celebi.
“I agree,” said Sabrina from her Shadow-Wall panel.
“Then, please, set our course for World Amethyst,” remarked
Cyrus II.
Chapter 3: 24-14
Note: Cyrus III quits his quest and returns to his own
dimension, leaving it to Cyrus II to face down Aizen, Cyrus II wins, though
here is the history of what happened up until then:
After wandering through the dimensional distortion created
during his battle versus Champion Cynthia and Dawn, and his attempt to capture
Dialga and Palkia, Cyrus III find a hall of white marble, silver, and gold
panels, and a doorway to a series of five Stargates.
Galactic Turquoise show up via the “World Sapphire” Stargate
and hands Cyrus a bag of supplies and a team of Pokémon.
Cyrus III then walks through the Stargate reading: “World
Amethyst” which lands him in Kanto 10 years before the present, on a platform
in Mount Moon (one of the platforms where Trainer Red journeyed across).
Upon leaving Mount Moon, Cyrus III reached Pewter City, where,
impressed, he visits the Pewter City Museum, where the Aeon-Fayth Celebi
approaches him, remarking:
“Are you ever going to retire?”
“What?!” responds Cyrus III.
“A mission, your life’s goal, this is a Celebi-dex, will you
carry it and put a stop to a local problem?” asked Aeon-Fayth Celebi.
Cyrus III contemplates for a moment then agrees “Sure,”.
“Great. I can teleport us to Indigo Plateau, shall we go?” remarked
Aeon-Fayth Celebi.
Celebi then, using a Space-Time Technique, relocated Cyrus III
and himself to the mountaintop of Indigo Plateau…
Cyrus III took a look around the mountaintop and asked
Aeon-Fayth Celebi: “So this is it?”
“Pretty much!” remarks Celebi.
Cyrus III walked up to the Indigo Plateau marble entrance, and
as he walked toward the door, the paneled entrance, the door swung inward.
Sparsely populated is the very office-like entrance to the more
general office rooms of the plateau.
Though as he walks forward, he’s teleported out and replaced by
the red-haired Cyrus II.
Waiting (!) for Cyrus II, who has appeared instead of Cyrus
III, is Gym Leader Erika.
Aeon-Fayth Celebi remarks:
“You were right, getting Cyrus III hear was key to the
mission…maybe one day he’ll be the leader he wants to be, in the meantime, I
have some school uniforms to design.”
Aeon-Fayth Celebi waved a salute to say goodbye to Cyrus II,
while Gym Leader Erika approached.
Erika grabbed Cyrus II by the arm, and pulled him by the front
desk, where she and he walked toward an office {[The office where Cyrus II had
a pair of eyeglasses made.]}.
In the office, Erika revealed a collection of Cyrus II and
Erika’s children, Cyrus II was completely shocked to see this.
Cyrus III, teleported back into the lobby, stood nearby and
quoted “I sense a disturbance in The Force.”
Chapter 4: Collect the team, down one Sun.
Cyrus II remarks coolly, that he’s surprised, though in some
part of his Psychic mind, knew that Erika had something to share with him.
Cyrus III, where the two enter the lobby once more, explains to
Cyrus II that he only now wants to return home, and, appearing via Teleport,
Sabrina agrees that all that was needed was to confirm that another realm’s
Cyrus could be reached.
Sabrina unleashes an Abra and then Abra Teleports Cyrus III
back to Mt. Moon.
Cyrus II then addresses Erika, remarking that he plans to
challenge “Aizen” to a battle, to decide how to rule Kanto (the two are two
different versions of a “Shinigami King”, both believing in honorable dueling).
Cyrus II gathers, from a
databank of all the Pokémon he caught while being a Galactic (all of them), and
forms a six-Pokémon team.
Chapter 5: Versus Aizen
Chapter 5: Versus Aizen
Cyrus II places out the request for a battle against the
Shinigami Aizen, Amethyst-Yellow world’s original “Cyrus II”, though
Cyrus-Jason outranks him as far as being the Persian Wizard-King, Cyrus II.
Aizen agrees to leave Kanto for the Afterlife, if Cyrus can
defeat him in a six-versus six battle.
Cyrus II arranged a battle time at the Indigo Plateau Stadium,
inviting the current Gym Leaders of Kanto.
Cyrus defeats Aizen (more details later) and Aizen returns to
the Afterlife (this was five hundred 522 years before Aizen’s battle against
Cyrus II celebrates with a dinner with Erika…
Volume 2: Academia
Chapter 1: Amethyst-Yellow
Cyrus II, having defeated Trainer Shinigami Aizen, is offered
the position of university professor, and though instead of taking the
position, Cyrus II counter-offers:
“I want to use my resources to found a new Academy, I have the
resources in my global account, and my classified Pokémon Storage System,
“Manticore”, “ remarked Cyrus II before a council of Kandor Pokémon League
The ranking official, a woman named Admin. Juniper, agrees to
Cyrus II’s plan for a Pokémon Academy, granting him a plot of land adjacent to
Viridian City.
Chapter 2: New Professors
Cyrus II offers jobs to Saffron’s Sabrina (Amethyst-Yellow),
Vermillion’s Lt. Surge, and Fuchsia City’s Koga {[Giovanni turned down an offer
to run the school’s farm, leaving it up to Cyrus II to run the farm.]}
Sabrina agreed to teach the subject of Psychic Studies, Koga
agrees to teach ninjutsu, and Surge agrees to teach Army Tactics.
The first students are the various Trainers of Kanto, and
Transfer Trainers from around the known Pokémon World.
Chapter 3: The Challenge
The volume goes forward by a year and the Academy Trainers are
in the first year of a three-year graduation track.
Approaching is a School Tournament, the winner gaining a rank
comparable to the Pokémon League Champion, and the resources to start their own
Various Trainer perspectives are explored…
Chapter 4: Victor’s Victory
Cooltrainer Victor (future vampire) wins the Persian Pokémon
Academy Tournament, and reveals that he wishes to found a “Ghost Type” Pokémon
Gym. School President and Farmer, Cyrus II agrees to forward the resources, and
the first year at the Persian Pokémon Academy ends.
Chapter 5: Into the Heavens
A half a year after the next year at Persian Pokémon Academy is
started, Cyrus II gets a notice from Trainer Lance that an offworld satellite
has found another Pokémon World, its protectors call it “Ransei”.
Cyrus II and his four-person team (Cyrus II, Saffron Sabrina,
Princess Y’anef, Aeon-Fayth Celeb...who appears to be...Lady Gaga?!i) travel in
Ragnarok IV into outer space, where another “Volume” of adventures await them.
[End of Volume 2], fun right?
Volume 3: Galactic Adventures!
Chapter 1: Bill attacks!
Galactic Cyrus II and his crew reach halfway
to Ransei from Krypton and learn that a distress signal has been sent via Stargates.
Cyrus II turned the ship around and
arrives at a battlefield in the atmosphere of the Krypton, noting that the
aggressor ships are those belonging to PC engineer "Bill".
Wanting to know what was happening on
the ground, Cyrus II fights through Bill's ships and lands Ragnarok IV in
Sabrina runs and teleports to her Gym;
Cyrus II and Y'anef observe the ground tactics, seeing in real time that
several people seem to be turning, in real time, into Pokémon.
Aeon-Fayth Celebi teleports around the city, observing the same thing...
Aeon-Fayth Celebi teleports around the city, observing the same thing...
Celebi then approaches Cyrus II and
"I'm afraid, dear captain, we
must travel back and stop Bill, if this tragedy is to be avoided, I can go back
at least once with my current power."
Said Cyrus II, "I agree, please
gather Sabrina"...
Celebi nodded in the affirmative and
ran away toward the Psychic Gym.
Moments later, Celebi returned with
Sabrina, and remarked " I told her the plan, let's go."
Psychic Sabrina remarked: "Wait a
second..." and Sabrina checked a
device around her wrist: it displayed a map of Saffron and a general reading of
"Yeah, we definitely must go
back, it may take some time to stop...Bill?" said Sabrina with surprise.
"Yes, those are his airships, and
that is the wavelength his PC gives off," responded Cyrus.
"Then full speed ahead,"
chimed in Aeon-Fayth Celebi.
"Right..." said Cyrus II.
The four Adventurers then disappeared
in a bright display of white light, leaving behind a city in chaos.
Chapter 2: The First Wave
Aeon-Fayth Celebi, Cyrus II, Saffron
Sabrina, and Y’anef arrive 3 months earlier at the Pokémon League Kandor
There, Cyrus II reports that
Aeon-Fayth Celebi can report memories of Bill’s future attack on Kandor.
Celebi reports his memories to
Administrator Juniper, and she, seeing the chaos, issues an arrest warrant for
Bill, getting news from a Psychic
named “Vellian Crowler”, escapes in an airship and, seeing on a radar a group
of Indigo Airships approaching, directs his own fleet of airships to evade
Cyrus II, in Ragnarok VI (6), arrives
at the Northeastern coast of Bill’s “Power Plant” Base too late, though is
able, via a fifth member of his team, a female scientist named “Professor
Fennel”, Cyrus II is able to recover maps and plans of Bill’s new fusion weapon
(more details about those plans later…).
After organizing a plan and meeting
with Administrator Juniper’s council, Cyrus II gets approval to lead a fleet of
ships to Bill’s Outer Space Base...and then recruits some of his students for
the mission.
Chapter 3: Entei Alley
With a fleet of 22 airships, 23 plus
his own, Cyrus II approaches the sector of space that Bill’s map reveals, and
then lands on Courasant.
There, the Student Army of Persia
lands and challenges Bill, eventually winning the war battle.
A crew of Poke-officers who’ve
attended the mission arrest Bill, placing him in a frozen cell (cryogenesis).
The fleet returns to Krypton, where
Bill is given a court date and then is found guilty in the Pokémon League Court
of attempted terrorism.
Chapter 4: Conclusive Missions
Cyrus II, not wanting to risk Kandor
falling under attack without his help, send his son “Cyrus the White Ranger” on
a mission to “Ransei”, where Cyrus the White Ranger challenges and eventually
defeats Nobunaga the Black Ranger.
Aeon-Fayth Celebi says goodbye, at
least for the moment, promising to return is there is more trouble.
Cyrus II continues to farm and
eventually opens a Farming Competition for students.
Psychic Sabrina makes a breakthrough,
discovering a new Psychic Pokémon.
Y’anef decides to explore the
underground caverns of Kandor and Johdor, finding an ancient abandoned city
half-way to the bottom of the caverns.
and Professor Fennel remarks that she
has earned a job at the Kandor Pokémon League.
The students of the Persian Academy
then compete for the second year Championship title.
...A mysterious Trainer, “Trainer
Silver” wins the title.
[Volume 3 End]
Season 3 of Pokémon Amethyst
Calling his team, Team Ragnarok, Cyrus eventually meets a
Pikachu which has gained humanity, turning the Pikachu, with a wand-like Holy
Weapon named the Keyblade of the Survivor, into a Form Revealed: a human form
Lightning Demi-God…whom Aeon-Fayth Celebi finds honorable and she, “Noichi”,
and “Raizen”, Cyrus at first respectively turning down Noichi’s offer (Noichi
appears as a human-Celebi…”Find a new Idol Statue Noichi.”…”I agree,” said
Raizen the Yellow Ranger.)
(Some Time Later, Ragnarok Cyrus meets another Ascended
Pikachu, who chooses to be called Raizen the 2nd…also a Yellow
Ranger…and then a third much like a 12 year old middle-schooler.
Tsunade agreed, and proposed that Cyrus should wear a ring
solidifying the Team Spirit.
Cyrus would have to go ringing
Volume 4: 1,000 Years & Academy
Aeon-Fayth Celebi returns, remarking
that in 1,000 years into the future, Cyrus II is still alive somehow…
Cyrus II consults with the Seeress Leknaat and finds that he is
indeed the wielder of all 27 True Runes...from Pokémon World Pearl...this would
allow him to live forever, as long as he wasn’t defeated by a weapon, or
overused the Power of the Runes.
“...I’m sorry, did you say I was Ken Ichijoji? Did you say
“Mario Lopez” was “Marvel” foster family, please stop contacting them,
please stop lying about who reads my books as well, because I and others can
read that you’re lying.”
“I defeated the Psychic Fortress, now they are servants to the
Psychic “Residents”…forever more.”
{[As for what remained of Volume 4, I am currently working on
“1000 Years & Academy Students” Which is composed of Cyrus II’s attempt at
training his Pokémon Academy students to see who qualifies as the Holder of 26
different True Runes, The Shield Rune declaring it has chosen Cyrus II, over
the others (where still my own True Runes still see no one other than me to
{[Lesson 1.1:
The legend of the “Pokémon” exists across the companies of
Square Enix, Shonen Jump, Nintendo, Disney Star Wars, and DC Comics.
The first known entry of Pokémon Blue and Red describe the DC
character’s Zod’s homeland of Kandor, spelt in this case Kanto (Daoism versus
Taoism), and Zod appears under the name Giovanni, husband to Faora-Ul and
father of “Silver” or Davis Bloome, who is symbolically whom Cyrus Krupp
becomes .
In Kanto one may find the Fantastic Beast known as Ninetails,
which has a colossus version via Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda, a branching
series, “Legend of Silver”, where the elf Silver captures the colossus
Ninetails, and 150 years later, where Tsukiyomi Minato unleashes the Ninetails
upon the Leaf Village of “Naruto”…though Cyrus II-III later goes on a mission
to stop Tsukiyomi Minato
In that history, Silver encounters “Irvine Kinneas” of Square
Enix’s Final Fantasy series, and they form a “posse” and go to a school in a
What the core of the problem of Eastern Companies, is a battle
over how to treat the topic of the Fantastic Beast, Aeon, Esper, EIdolin,
Pokémon, or as the liberal politician would call it, the “Fayth”.
There is even a world where the Fantastic Beasts have fused
with people to form “Demi-humes”, in Square Enix’s “Chrono Cross” series.
Disney’s Star Wars has a variety of Pokémon (not Yoda, the
green-person, yet the non-people beasts)...where The “Mandalorians” sought to
save “Queen Padmé” from being attacked.
My novel, published via a free license, tackles the notion that
I’ve discovered links between companies, verified via my record at The Pokémon
Company (Galactic Boss Cyrus), my identity at Square Enix, called “Kadaj”, and
variety of other companies which draw upon my identity for a “character
Lesson 1.1 over]
Lesson 1.1 over]
…and then, “Season 7” of Pokémon Amethyst:
More humor, Sabrina jokes with Cyrus in bed…
day at the Saffron City Poke-Gear Store:
does Itachi have?”
said: A “Seven Paths of Pain” Link System, just like “Gaara”.
said: Mew, which is a Trainer-Mon…and six Legendary:
Let me guess…wait, I can’t see through the Mist.
Well, I have the Sinnoh Trio, a Blue-eyes White Dragon, a Red-eyes Black
Dragon, and Zygarde…
thought-spoke: And “Cyrus”?
said: Trainer-Mon Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Suicune, Xerneas, Dialga, and a new
one, a Legendary Replacement: Team Plasma traded the Palkia for the Colossus
said & thought-spoke: Oh…I see.
Title Sequence:
Pokémon Amethyst…
Sabrina teleports…
Sabrina: What’s a
Azazel: Not sure what to tell you…
Azazel: Not sure what to tell you…
Season 7 of “Pokémon
Pokémon Amethyst: The
Rise of the Mutants
Chapter 1:
Magic or Mutation?
[At the re-constructed,
“Cronus” the Second’s Pomona College, named Athena College…at The Coup.]
Jean Grey: You have
three of them: with me, “Madeline”; with Earth-1 Supergirl, Anamona; and with
Chelsea, Solid Snake…a fourth? Yet I don’t know why you’d forget Agent
Falcon…oh, it’s Pokémon Battle Psychic Gym Leader Sabrina.
Mr. Sinister: All from the future…where we met…
Dark Phoenix: Why are
we talking about this?
Cyrus Sinister: Because
they are all asking for help…now, I believe we can help them…because they say
they are scared about how their society doesn’t work…
Dark Phoenix/Mr.
Sinister: We have to save them our way. By the way, I still love you, so I’m
going to need…
Dark Phoenix: …a
Terminator of my own…
Cyrus Winston: Not a
[Sabrina teleports to
The Coup.]
Yami Sabrina: This is
the ‘corrected’ timeline, isn’t it? Sorry to interrupt you two…
Cyrus/Jean: Yes, where
we were the only survivors from the, uhh, Sentinel War.
Jean: Please explain,
uhh, Sabrina.
Yami Sabrina: We have
saved ‘them’, the Earth Legion, who are now able to be here, because they were
turned into Elegant Mutants…though now we ‘must’ Focus…on what ‘secret’ to
Jean Grey: Basically,
you can’t tell them about me…though I think I’m going to spare the Past Jean
“Grey”, and become the Whole Phoenix…
Mr. Sinister: I understand,
though I see you in the picture…via the Arcane, though I don’t see any other
way to protect them, while my Legion has become Elegant Mutants, I believe the
threat against the White House has ended, ‘bend’ ended…
[Both Cyrus “Sinister”
Winston and Dark Phoenix observe a wall-mounted LCD Screen, a White House
communication portal.]
Cyrus Sinister: Let me
show you how I used to protect you, Jean, though we agree, Star Phoenix must be
told, we are sparing all of them…though we can’t tell Xavier.
Dark Phoenix: …I think
you want that kiss,… yet…
Cyrus “Sinister”
Winston: Scott Summers? {reading her mind} He’s sworn an oath of celibacy,
before arriving in the New World.
Jean Grey: I think we
belong right here…in the Old World…they would never understand us…
{[The End of Pokémon
My great-grandmother Persian Queen Lana Del Rey is a mutant who
once went into hiding. She was married in a Wizard Church to Magneto Ian
McKellan, who simply fought wars, yet later revealed he was my
I became King of Persia at age 21.
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