Friday, September 8, 2017

I tell you these data items, because apparently this data is key to your soul Ascending...

Blog Series: From Cyrus Krupp to Davis Bloome, My Journey as The Other Superman.


Cyrus Winston

It started, knowledge about me, for you, perhaps with the Holy Bible, which calls Wizard King "Cyrus the Great" a king of Earth, who must maintain any Holy Kingdom of God...though I've seen some Bibles that say Zeus was God at that time, and my meditations say Athena is the Highest Power, on the date September 7th 2017 AD.

Post Tenth Year in Alfred Gough's "Smallville", for most people, exact knowledge of myself,
Cyrus Winston, began with one of the most popular legends on Earth, "Smallville"'s Cyrus Krupp, a possible Kryptonian Healer, who is able to Distant Heal, who later specifies that he can aim Healing Beams from his eyes, and can even Heal a planet...reaching Superman's level and going beyond it, as an Ultra-Medic Superman "Davis Bloome" (a nod to my foster family's name, they later Ascended in their Mormon Religion...) .

The name of my character is originally "William Burnett" or "WB" for Warner Brothers, and my name, after revealing that I was an orphan, is "Cyrus Krupp", where "Krupp" refers to a precious diamond, and Cyrus "Winston" is my name in this realm, and I am indeed a heir to the
Winston Diamond Company, the network "WB" changing its name to "CW", the logo a "Healer Green"...the decision named after my 18th birthday, on "January 24, 2006" (

Though there would be a future of Dragonball Super battles, Star Wars savior adventures, and saving entire planets, my story of being The Other Superman goes deeper...


My characters continue to make references in Major Mainstream Media:

The Iron Man talks about how the character might be a reference to me, and that his alter-ego "Lincoln Osiris" was a joke about a false reflection, saying that his true form was a Nordic Blonde from Australia, reference to the Pokemon TV show, manga, and video games, my character
"Galactic Boss Cyrus" who hails from a Southern Hemisphere Continent called "Sinnoh" or
"The Land Where Sin is Forbidden".

Galactic Boss Cyrus was based on my first Star Wars character, an heir to an
"Offworld Mining Company" or "Winston Diamonds and Rare Jewels", and my journey to attempt to control Dark Side Powers for Good.

"Kylo-"Win"" was a character that was engineered from my genetic pattern, though with only Dark Side powers, an attempt to control The Dark Side...though later together we achieve the impossible, we save Anakin Skywalker from the Future.

I sense you seek to contemplate these ideas, thus I will continue my Blog Series later.

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